Emergency Updates

Evidence for Assembly Time Out

Please Note: This information is public. This is a published webpage on The Tennessee Assembly website but this page is not easily accessible to everyone. Only those who attended the 11.5.24 GA Meeting and specific Federation contacts have been sent the direct link access to this web page. This page was created to make the media available as promised in the GA Meeting. If you know of a Tennessee ASN that would like this link, have them email info@ttna.odoo.com and we will get it sent out.

General Assembly Meeting 11.5.24 – click the link and use the passcode below

Passcode: rKM%G#g1


Summary of the issue presented in the GA meeting link above: Kimberly brought forward complaints against Paul and Victoria. Evidence was offered by video but audio did not work so it was made available after the meeting. Folder for all video referenced: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/a866ivxjnnle9112p4ers/AOJr4CtNHufymwTzA_LcbaU?rlkey=yo7yx21a4hs6b4b121cvahj8h&st=x3w38f3u&dl=0

And here is the full militia meeting that Kimberly M tried to play clips of (above dropbox folder with clips) – Pappas gossips about everyone, this is only one militia meeting. The Treasury is implicated in accusations and also the way we set up the credit union account which is exactly the same way Washington State and many others set up theirs.

Passcode: 6**Nx*fy