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  • State Assembly Militia

    “Duties of The Assembly Militia(County/State/Federal Republic)”Militias began in 1636, when colonists formed Militias to defend their community. The Militias dutystill focuses on domestic emergencies, which can range from armed insurrection,…

  • Continental Marshals

    “Continental Marshals (Federal)”The Continental Marshals are not land jurisdiction officers. They work for the land jurisdictionstates and people living in their postal districts to protect and defend the international rights…

  • Marshal-at-Arms

    “Marshal-at-Arms” via AnnaIn most State Jural Assemblies, the security for Assembly functions, meetings, and meetingspaces, is provided by an elected Marshal-at-Arms… Their duty with respect to the State JuralAssembly is…

  • State Justices and Judges

    “Duties of State Justices and Judges”Judges perform the following duties – Read through lawful documents to make determinationsabout pre-trial issues, motions and final rulings; assist with monitoring jury selection, along…

  • Trial Jury

    Duties of the Trial Jury (Criminal/Civil)Their job is to decide which side to believe at a formal criminal trial, or in other words, to render averdict of guilt or innocence.…

  • Grand Juries

    Duties of the Grand JuryA Grand Jury is a jury – a group of Citizens – empowered by law to conduct lawful proceedingsand investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether…

  • Serving as a Juror

    “Duties of Jurors”In a criminal trial, they are charged with the responsibility of deciding whether, on the facts of thecase, a person is guilty or not guilty of the offence…

  • Bondsperson

    “Duties of the County Bondsperson”When someone is arrested for a crime, a bail bondsperson pays the bail so that person can gofree until it is time for the trial. The…

  • County Coroner

    “Duties of the County Coroner”Coroners are responsible for conducting investigations to determine cause and mode of death.Their work requires them to be on call 24 hours a day, 365 days…

  • County Justice of the Peace

    “Duties of the County Justice of the Peace”Justices of the Peace have the authority to perform lower-level judicial functions. Their power canbe divided into ministerial and judicial areas. Most of…