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First Steps

You need three documents to initially come home to the land and soil. The first form is a document we call “The 1779 Declaration” or “One Pager”. This document declares your return to your land and soil status. There are four different versions of this form. Most of us use the American born-in-one-of-the-fifty-states version. The other versions are for naturalized citizens (green cards), undocumented immigrants, and federal workers. Please be sure you understand which form is the right one for you by contacting us at here to find out more if you are unsure.

The next two forms you will need are witness testimonies filled out and autographed by two different people that have known you for at least seven years. That could be your parents, you siblings, your extended family member, you friend, your mailman, or your employer to just name a few. They will just autograph that the person (you) in the photo is you and how they know it is you. Attach a passport photo of yourself to the form and print two copies. One copy goes to the first of your witnesses and the other goes to the second. Both need to autograph in front of a public notary.

A public notary can usually be found at your local bank. Once all three forms are autographed and witnessed by a public notary. A State Recording Secretary for the Assembly will help you get your documents published. Contact us here. To prove who you say you are, we do require a copy of your birth records whatever they may be to prove where you were born. However, we will never publish any birth records.

How to Autograph

“For the One Pager, the only inputs required are the name of the State where they were born, and the name of the County and State where they currently live, plus the day, month, year, and their hand-printed signature, and notarized by a state of state notary (usually found at your local bank for free).  You print with a blue ink pen.

For all other documents, you should also autograph your name in blue ink.  Be sure to include your copyright symbol after your name.  Don’t forget your red thumbprint seal.  Be sure to bring a blue pen with you to the bank when you ask for notary services because banks don’t buy blue pens…they provide only black pens which means (in the commercial world of contracts) the one autographing the document is dead…and you are not dead, are you?

The autograph should be:

by: First Middle Last© (red thumbprint should touch your autograph)”

How to Publish your Paperwork

If you are ready to begin this enlightened journey then there are a couple of ways you can complete your paperwork. At The Tennessee Assembly we use the Land Recording Office also known as the LRO to publish documents but you have other options too.

1: Through https://globalfamilygroup.com/lrps.htmlnals.org/correct-your-status/ Here you will be able to Purchase recording documents that will auto generate your information and when purchased the filing fee is included.

2: Through the LRO https://members.americanstatenationals.us Here you can create an account on the Land Recording Office and Purchase recording documents that will auto generate your information and when purchased the filing fee is included.

A Military letter needs to be included if you served in the Armed services. and can be found here. or at https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/military-retirement/

Please take special care to UNREGISTER to vote. This is the proof they have that you elected to be part of their municipal corporation. Remember, in the world of commercial law, to register ANYTHING means you are giving away your rights/interest to someone or something else.

How to Cancel Your Voter Registration

Go to: https://tnsos.org/elections/election_commissions.php

To find the address for your county election commission. Address the top of this following example letter to the appropriate election commission. Mail the letter autographed by you in blue ink so they can match up the records to you and cancel your registration.