Purpose: The Treasury Committee is the careful steward of Assembly Funds. They do not dictate the budget. This committee makes sure the books are balanced and the accounts are in order. They pay expenses authorized by the GA vote.
All funds donated or earmarked for the GA Assembly or any Pillar can be transferred to the main assembly account by check, Zelle, or Cash App. Checks can be made out and mailed in care of the Treasury Committee at the following address:
The Tennessee Assembly
C/O 2372 Boatdock Road
Talbot, Tennessee [37877]
Zelle – hamblenrecsecy@gmail.com
Cash App – $kdbullard123

In case of any detailed information on what the funds are for, please additionally email info@ttna.odoo.com. Please be as specific as you can.
How to get funding for your Pillar and Committee projects:
Currently, this is the process. Your pillar or GA committee votes on purchasing a needed item. Next,
- They can submit a purchase order request to the Budget Committee. The purchase order request is posted on the website. You will find it under the General Assembly tab and posted on the Budget Committee page (https://thetennesseeassembly.org/general-assembly-pillar/budget-committee/)
- The Budget Committee first verifies that they have enough funds to allocate to the request, meets the budget, and then brings the request to the GA for a vote.
- If it passes, the approved purchase order is sent to the Treasury from the Budget Committee for disbursement.
- The Treasury Committee will contact the Chair of the Pillar or GA Committee for the best way to pay for the items on the purchase order and complete transactions. The Treasury Committee requires a purchase receipt AND a delivery receipt for all transactions within 30 days of the disbursement date so be prepared to send them immediately to info@ttna.odoo.com. If there is a delay, you are required to communicate in writing what the delay is and a reasonable date it will be resolved within the 30 day time frame and every 30 days thereafter until all receipts are submitted to info@ttna.odoo.com
This is the Official Treasury Committee’s Protocol for Handling Funds Adopted by The GA 11.5.24:
When funds are received:
- If an earmark of the funds is attached, the treasury will note the earmark and send the earmark to the budget committee to set the funds aside as indicated. The funds will be deposited into savings until such time as the earmark is ready for disbursement. Then, the funds will be moved from savings to checking and dispersed as needed for the earmark purpose. If the earmarked purpose changes, the Treasury and Budget committee need to be notified in writing.
- If no earmark, then the funds will automatically be put into the checking account for disbursement according to the budget committee’s authorized budget unless an emergency exists.
- In case of emergency, checking account funds can be disbursed with the agreement of the GA Assembly vote OR if no time for GA vote, one or more ASC officers in the GA, Militia, IBA, or Jural Pillar Assemblies AND an officer on the Budget AND an officer on the Treasury Committee, for the direct use of protecting the people or their assets. A statement by all three (or more) parties will be sufficient to prove their agreement by mail, email, or picture for the records.
- Savings is not disbursed unless the earmarked purpose of the funds is met. Not even an emergency qualifies to release Savings unless there is a vote of the GA to do so.
- Earmarks are valid if received from the Budget Committee or the party to whom donated the funds for a specific purpose.
- All receipts should be sent to the Treasurer AND Budget Committee (info@ttna.odoo.com)
- Treasury will keep records of all bank statements, receipts, earmarks, and emergency authorizations by officers for disbursement.
- Records are made available to all Assembly members for inspection at request
Disbursement of Funds
- The Budget committee approves the request for funds
- The request is voted on in the GA
- If approved in the GA, the Budget Committee sends a purchase order to the Treasury Committee
- When the Treasury Committee receives the purchase order that includes the date the GA approved, the amount, and the payee, the committee will disburse funds.
- Protocol for the Treasurer is that they have three days to initiate transfer of funds
- Proof of purchase and delivery must be returned to The Budget Committee AND the Treasury Committee to complete the sale within 30 days of receipt of funds.
- If the Treasury Committee doesn’t get the proof of purchase and delivery within 30 days, we would need a report in writing from that pillar/committee to extend a reasonable amount of time or it will be reported to the ombudsman for follow up.
This protocol will be reviewed and revised once disbursement of Prosperity Accounts is in effect. After that, reviews will occur every 2 years unless circumstances arise that require early review.