Author: justmyjesus
County Coroner
“Duties of the County Coroner”Coroners are responsible for conducting investigations to determine cause and mode of death.Their work requires them to be on call 24 hours a day, 365 days…
County Justice of the Peace
“Duties of the County Justice of the Peace”Justices of the Peace have the authority to perform lower-level judicial functions. Their power canbe divided into ministerial and judicial areas. Most of…
Court Clerk (County & State)
“Duties of the Court Clerk (County/State)”A Court Clerk is an administrative worker in the criminal and civil justice systems, providingsupport to judges, attorneys and other officers of the court. They…
Deputy Sheriff
Duties of the Deputy SheriffsDeputy Sheriffs provide Peace Officer services in counties. This includes protecting citizens andproperty by patrolling neighborhoods, citing reckless drivers, making arrests, responding to callsfor assistance and…
County Sheriff
The County Sheriff by AnnaThe County Sheriff elected by the County Jural Assembly Members is the top Public Law Officialin the country. Within the physical boundaries of his County, he…
Recording Secretaries
Recording Secretaries are absolutely key to bringing people home to the land and soil. And without men and women coming home to the land, we can’t build our Assemblies! Your…
State & County Coordinators
The role of the State assembly Coordinator is serve as liaisons between the Federation and their State Assembly during this organizational process. The Coordinators, both State and County, work for…
Members of a Committee
Committees are populated by interested members of the General Assembly. They make their voice heard and raise their hand to be part of a forming committee. They must be an…
Pillar Secretary
The Pillar Secretary’s position is vital to the Pillar’s function. Highly organized and self motivated people are encouraged to fill this role. A Pillar Secretary’s job includes:
Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs
Congratulations! You were elected to fill vital roles in running your Committee. Both your roles do similar functions. The difference is that the Co-chair will either partner with or take…
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