Emergency Updates

Committee Secretaries

Congratulations! Becoming a Committee Secretary is an important and vital role in the Assembly. It is a trusted role and key to keeping good communication about important happenings and information amongst the Assembly members.

Here is your job description:

A. You partner with the Committee Chair and Co-Chair to create the agenda. You make sure the agenda is in writing. It’s the record of your Committee’s plan.

B. You send out meeting invites and reminders to your Committee members.

C. You are entrusted with taking the Committee Meeting Minutes. Meeting Minutes must have the following:

  1. Name of committee
  2. Date and time the meeting started and ended
  3. Attendants of the meeting names (first and last)
  4. Record of topic being voted on and results
  5. Officers attending the meeting
  6. Summary of old business discussed
  7. Summary of new business discussed
  8. Action items and who is responsible

D. You make sure any record information concerning the meeting gets to the Records Committee. That includes video, meeting minutes, or other vital information. Ideally it needs to be in PDF form labeled with the Committee name and date. Example: Treasury Committee 7.29.24. Please email with PDF files attached to the Records Committee at info@ttna.odoo.com.

E. You update the IT Committee of any updates that need to be made to the website concerning your Committee. Email info@ttna.odoo.com with the subject line “Please Update Website” Examples:

  1. When the committee voted to meet on a regular basis.
  2. Who to contact if they want to join the committee.
  3. If there are special qualifications to be on the committee.
  4. If you have any special events to advertise.
  5. List of newly elected officers

Status Change and Correction Contacts

Click one of the links below to start the status correction process.

Tennessee Assembly Coordinator


Tennessee Assembly Secretary