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Continental Marshals

“Continental Marshals (Federal)”
The Continental Marshals are not land jurisdiction officers. They work for the land jurisdiction
states and people living in their postal districts to protect and defend the international rights and
powers retained by the states and people under Article 10 …. The Continental Marshals are not
under the control or authority of any Grand Jury. Likewise, Continental Marshals are not under
the control or authority of any State Justice. The Continental Marshals work for the Federal Postal
District Courts set up by the people in their district for the purpose of prosecuting international
crimes that occur in the undelegated jurisdiction created by Article 10. Many of the worst crimes
that the people of this country have suffered have occurred in precisely this jurisdiction: inland
piracy, unlawful conversion of assets, interstate bank fraud, kidnapping, press-ganging, human
trafficking, enslavement, extortion and racketeering practiced on an interstate or international
basis is all in the jurisdiction of the Continental Marshals and it is precisely because the Federal
Marshals were no longer being funded by the renegade Congress that we have suffered all these
crimes in our midst. The Continental Marshals enforce the orders of Federal Postal District Court
judges, not State Justices … A fully functioning Continental Marshals Service is a key part of
restoring the Checks and Balances and the complete American Common Law Court System we
are owed.
— Excerpts AVR #480 Continental Marshals
The Continental Marshals Service serves the Land Jurisdiction of The United States of America.
The Land Jurisdiction is an international jurisdiction belonging to The United States, but controlled
and operated by The United States of America… Continental Marshals have enforcement
authority under direct delegation from the unincorporated government that is in charge of the
international jurisdiction owed to the States in general and that government is The United States
of America. They have primary responsibility for enforcing the Law of the Land including the
Constitutions, the Un-revised United States Statutes-at-Large, Postal Laws and issues arising
under the Reserved Powers of the Tenth Amendment. As international land jurisdiction Officers
they are not under any authority vested in the individual States, are not part of the State Militias;
like the sea-going US Marshals their turf is defined by Districts — in the case of Continental
Marshals, they work within Postal Districts that may overlap several States. The structure
mandated is that each State has one Chief Marshal and each Postal District has a District Chief
Marshal, all organized under a single Chief Marshal of The United States of America. Deputy
Marshals serve under the direction of the Chief Marshal for their State or the District Chief Marshal
as the issues and needs may demand … Continental Marshals serve a unique interface between
the County Sheriffs and the Federal Government; when County Sheriffs need assistance to
enforce Constitutional guarantees, the Continental Marshals are there to assist; when County
Sheriffs fail to uphold the Constitutional guarantees and other Natural and Unalienable Rights of
the American People, the Continental Marshals can be called upon… Continental Marshals must
be able to identify the Federal Entities and know the constitutional limitations placed on those
entities, must be able to tell the difference between an actual State and a State of State or STATE
OF STATE incorporated franchise… They work as Lawful Persons engaged in the enforcement
of international law… Continental Marshals are Federal Postal District Officers under the original
Federal Constitution — The Constitution for the united States of America…
— Excerpts AVR #1899 Continental Marshals
We re-commissioned the Federal Marshals in 2015 and renamed them Continental Marshals in
an effort to draw a clear and firm distinction between their functions and jurisdiction compared to
their counterparts, the United States Marshals. Our Continental Marshals function as
Peacekeeping Officers in both the International Jurisdiction of the Land and the International
Jurisdiction of the Sea – Reserved Powers, Amendment 10…
— Excerpts AVR #2066 Call for Continental Marshal Support