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County Sheriff

The County Sheriff by Anna
The County Sheriff elected by the County Jural Assembly Members is the top Public Law Official
in the country. Within the physical boundaries of his County, he is the embodiment of the Public
Law and its chief enforcer. Because he works for the soil jurisdiction, the actual County Sheriff is
a “Peacekeeping Official”. Peacekeepers work for the people, the land and the soil. Law
Enforcement Officers (LEOs) work for “persons” — the corporations and their shareholders
operating as incorporated States of State, like the “State of Ohio”. (We have been well and
thoroughly confused and duped into thinking that their “County Sheriff’ is our “County Sheriff”,
when in fact an unlawful conversion has taken place. Many of those operating our Counties back
in the 1960’s took the bait of “Federal Block Grants” and elected to incorporate the unincorporated
Counties they were working for. In doing so, they unwittingly removed and converted the actual
County Government into mere commercial corporations operated as franchises … They handed
over our sovereignty “for us” in exchange for racketeering kickbacks.
— Excerpt p.60 The Jural Assembly Handbook
Either you operate as the actual Sheriff of the unincorporated County and State, or you operate
as a “Sheriff” of an incorporated “County” franchise of a State of State. There is a Macon County
Sheriff working for Georgia, the actual State; and then, out of the blue, there’s suddenly a “County
of Macon” and the “Sheriff” of the “County of Macon” is working for the [Territorial] “State of
Georgia”, instead. Sleight of hand. Presto-Change-O! One minute you are standing on the land
and soil and your County Sheriff is your County Sheriff, and the next he is a patsy working for a
foreign corporation. In the years since all that happened, things have gotten even more balled up,
and we’ve added another layer of this incorporation scam. Instead of working for the Territorial
State of State, the man who appears to be working as your County Sheriff may be working for a
Municipal STATE OF STATE corporation, instead. These moonlighting “Sheriffs” and other
“County” Officials are — for the most part unwittingly — functioning as impostors — appearing to
be land and soil jurisdiction County Sheriffs and County Officials, when in fact they are being paid
by foreign corporations and not standing on the land and soil jurisdiction of this country at all.
— Excerpt p.61 The Jural Assembly Handbook
Our elected County Sheriffs are the actual Sheriffs and their “Sheriffs” are just stand-ins, calling
themselves “Sheriffs” but acting in completely different and foreign capacities.
— Excerpt p.64 The Jural Assembly Handbook
The actual County Sheriff is responsible for the enforcement of the Public and Organic Law,
including the actual Constitution owed to our States and the protection of the property, persons,
and guaranteed rights of the people living within the borders of his County. So those County
Sheriffs who are Peacekeeping Officials serving the unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction
Counties, are the embodiment of the Public Law and the executors of the Law of the Land and
the Law of the Soil within their County’s borders. All “Sheriffs” serving incorporated “Counties” as
Law Enforcement Officers are obligated to come to the aid and assistance of the actual Sheriff
and to obey the directions of the actual County Sheriff.
— Excerpt p.65 The Jural Assembly Handbook
Sheriffs are not “law enforcement officials” but are “peacekeepers”. The Office is “limited” to the
physical parameters of that County. The County Sheriff can tell any “US MARSHAL” to take a
— Excerpts AVR #1257 Peacekeepers
Sheriffs operating on the soil and land jurisdictions are public peacekeeping officials. The public
officials outrank the private (corporate) officers, but in the absence of public peacekeeping
officials, the private officers enter the vacated office of “County Sheriff” and act “as” both kinds of
Sheriff until the public office is re-occupied. As a result, many so-called “County Sheriffs” are not
actually functioning as County Sheriffs. They are simply federal corporation franchise employees
considered Dual Citizens by the federal organizations, who have the option to enforce the Law of
the Land — or not — as they see fit. This gives them almost God-like usurped power, until and
unless the people in the actual, factual County wake up … and elect their own County Sheriff to
serve specifically in the actual Public Office as an elected peacekeeping official. This usurpation
of our Public Offices … by privately owned and operated commercial corporations and their
employees is a violation of our Constitutions at all levels.
— Excerpts AVR #1937 Sheriffs – The Enforcement
Our Common Law Sheriffs, the highest elected peacekeeping officials in this country, were
unlawfully converted into “Pinkertons” — private Law Enforcement Officers… It’s time for the rest
of us to wise up about the way in which our counties were hijacked, and our public offices
demeaned and unlawfully converted into private corporate offices. It’s time that upholding the
constitutional guarantees of Americans became something more than a “discretionary” duty. If
your Sheriff is a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, please
reach out to him and let him know the cavalry is coming. The American States and People are on
the move to take back their country and restore their Common Law Sheriffs to full operation and
— Excerpts AVR #2500 Sheriffs and Sheriffs

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