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“Marshal-at-Arms” via Anna
In most State Jural Assemblies, the security for Assembly functions, meetings, and meeting
spaces, is provided by an elected Marshal-at-Arms… Their duty with respect to the State Jural
Assembly is to provide a safe location for meetings, to be prepared to remove disruptive
participants, to be aware of any suspicious” activities (such as bringing in contraband) and to
help organize the State Militia.
— Excerpt p.52 The Jural Assembly Handbook
Finally, each State has a Marshal-at-Arms, who is responsible for the security of the State Jural
Assembly, its records, its Officers, and its Membership during meetings, also for securing the
Meeting Place prior to and immediately after meetings, and for Coordination of the County Militias
with the State Militia. This is a very busy and important job. The Marshals-at-Arms for each State,
like the leaders of the actual County and State Militias, are responsible for outreach and education
of their counterparts in the U.S. Military, U.S. Marshals Service and LEO/law enforcement
— Excerpt p.69 The Jural Assembly Handbook